Sunday, July 26, 2009

You gotta do what you gotta do

This child's hair is downright unruly. Some days, it cooperates...sort of. But mostly, it does what it wants and usually that means that it's all over the place and often in her eyes. Barrettes are a problem for a baby this little. She's finally realized they're in her hair and they're fun to take out and then, guess what? Into her mouth they go, which of course is a choking hazard. Today the barrettes were in and out of her hair so many times, I finally grabbed a few of my own hairbands and took care of the problem. A permanent solution? No. But it was fun to try and snap a few pictures, which I'm sure will embarass her greatly in about 15 years. We love you, Pumpkin!

1 comment:

FaustFavorites said...

That little girl has so much stinkin' hair! Kristi and I had a little chuckle over her hair watching a video of her last night - it certainly appears that it does what it wants! BTW, the new 'do makes her look SO old!