Friday, July 10, 2009

Banana Shmanana

How quickly a high can end. We were so thrilled just yesterday about Cassidy eating (!) bananas, but today our excitement has ended. This morning Kurt got her out of her crib to find a rash all over her face, which throughout the day got progressively worse and ended up all down her neck, chest and tummy. Bright red, bumpy splotches. We're pretty sure it's the banana because the one and only other time she had a similar rash was about 6 weeks ago. The night before we had given her some food on her tray to play with - watermelon and bananas. Neither was actually swallowed, but the banana must've at least gotten into her mouth. This time the rash is much worse, I suppose because this time she actually swallowed a bunch of banana pieces. Argh! Frustrating. We'll be moving on to other foods and leaving the banana behind, at least for now. Oh, banana, we hardly knew ye. :)

1 comment:

FaustFavorites said...

Oh! So disappointing! Oh well, at least neither of us have to stock bananas for our girls... :)