Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Girl

We get A LOT of comments about Cassidy when we're out and about. Among the tops are: Is that hair real? That must be a wig! My kids were three and didn't have that much hair! Was she born with that much hair? But one of our favorites is: What a happy girl! Cassidy is a friendly smiler, and certainly gobbles up all the attention and adoration of the general public.
Today was a great day. For the very first time, Cassidy ate real food! Not only ate, but excitedly opened her mouth for more, chewed, and officially swallowed. What finally worked? Bananas, cut up into tiny pieces and delivered to her mouth not on a spoon, but straight from mommy's fingers. We are thrilled! It felt like it may never happen, but a whole new world has opened up for Cassidy. On to more food experimentation!

1 comment:

FaustFavorites said...

She's getting so big so fast!