Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Travis turns 3!!

Where have three years gone? When we moved to Iowa, Travis was not yet one. He couldn't walk, couldn't talk, was just a little baby guy. Time has flown and here he is, three years old. Very little "baby" remains. He is the most special little boy in the universe. 

Travis requested "white cupcakes" for his birthday. This kid does not like chocolate! Kurt and I wonder if he really belongs to us! Ha! Mommy and Daddy got him some binoculars for his birthday, or as he calls them, "vernoculars".
He's still very into letters and numbers and ALWAYS has some combination of letters in his hands while he's playing. He loves to spell out words and amazes us with what he remembers!

opening up presents from daddy, mommy and Cassidy

Scott and Kate sent the letter cards - some have single letters, some have two or three letters to make words. Travis immediately found two that go together to make the word "rug"!

another fun toy from Scott and Kate - our kids love to jump!


blowing out candles (yes, a little too close!)

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