Thursday, October 31, 2013

More Halloween

Halloween has become a really fun time in our house. The kids, of course, love getting dressed up and getting candy. And we love that, magically, they seem to forget about the candy within a day or two! I know that will change but for now, we like that very little actual candy goes into them!
Here's our raccoon!

after we got home from getting our loot, the kids loved waiting by the front door for the trick or treaters to come to our house! Cassidy kept giving big handfuls of candy, saying "take this one! this is my favorite kind!" So sweet and giving. :)

Halloween Preview!

Is anyone surprised that Cassidy chose to be a kitty for Halloween?! But she had a specific cat in mind. "I want to be Kayla's kitty! I want to be Tikky!!!" So off I went, to find an affordable, warm, cute black kitty costume. Cassidy (or "Cat-idy" as she dubbed herself today!) is thrilled with the results! She said, "I can't believe it! I look JUST LIKE Tikky!" Hahaha!!! :)

Travis said, "Cassidy, you have chocolate on your nose!" 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fun on the farm

We were invited to a hay ride (Cassidy's first, Travis' first and yes, mommy's first hay ride) at our friends The Hansons house. What an awesome afternoon! Beautiful fall weather, great food, wonderful friends!
Cassidy LOVES our friend Treanna from church. She was with her most of the afternoon!

Cassidy was miffed at the sheep - they were grazing in the field but she had a handful of hay for them and they wouldn't come to her! Sheesh!
running from the sheep when they finally did start to mosey her way :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Travis turns 3!!

Where have three years gone? When we moved to Iowa, Travis was not yet one. He couldn't walk, couldn't talk, was just a little baby guy. Time has flown and here he is, three years old. Very little "baby" remains. He is the most special little boy in the universe. 

Travis requested "white cupcakes" for his birthday. This kid does not like chocolate! Kurt and I wonder if he really belongs to us! Ha! Mommy and Daddy got him some binoculars for his birthday, or as he calls them, "vernoculars".
He's still very into letters and numbers and ALWAYS has some combination of letters in his hands while he's playing. He loves to spell out words and amazes us with what he remembers!

opening up presents from daddy, mommy and Cassidy

Scott and Kate sent the letter cards - some have single letters, some have two or three letters to make words. Travis immediately found two that go together to make the word "rug"!

another fun toy from Scott and Kate - our kids love to jump!


blowing out candles (yes, a little too close!)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mommy's birthday

Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I love the cooler days, darker evenings, the coziness of it all. It also starts birthday season in the Jensen house. Aside from Kurt, we all have fall birthdays! We didn't make a huge fuss out of my birthday this year (36 is so boring!) but I took a few pics throughout the weekend of our adorable kiddos anyway. 
waiting for the bus - Cassidy's favorite thing to do!
"Mommy, take a picture of my sideways smile!"

Kiddos all ready to go to mommy's eye doctor appointment. They LOVE to go to the eye doctor with me because there is a little play area there that they think is so fantastic! We really need to get out more. Ha! :)
ready for church!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My own little world

We all need a corner that's all our own, a little space to get away from the rest of the world. Take a few toys and you're all set!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We wish we could go to Michigan and see all of our family and friends there many times each year. The reality is that it happens exactly once. :( But this year we were able to combine vacation with a conference and extend our time there for two weeks! It was so wonderful, words just can't even describe it. Michigan really does feel like "home" to us, and always will. We hope and plan to again live there...someday. Here are some highlights from our time there:

Our first stop was to Dawn and Josh's home in Lake Leelanau. We love and miss Jake and Ruby so much. 


Cassidy loves it here - she has Ruby AND a kitty to play with!
Their amazing orchard right in their yard is a real treat. We all enjoyed picking and eating apples of many varieties.
Travis liked getting lost in the huge garden. :)
There's something about a northern Michigan sunset...
We also spent a few days in East Jordan/Charlevoix/Petoskey with our great friends Scott and Kate. We had a blast enjoying all our favorite places in our old "stomping grounds". A visit to Friske Orchard was a must!

feeding the goats at the orchard

playing with new toys at a restaurant with Kate
overlooking Walloon Lake at an awesome restaurant

 Then we were on to Port Huron for our second week to see Grandpa/Grandma, Aaron/Sheri/Kayla/Khloe. It's all fun all the time when we're together!
One afternoon was spent playing outside on cool toys and flying kites!

Cassidy got to fly a kite for the very first time - so exciting!

Popcorn and a movie at Grandpa's - a classic fun time!
The Four Cousins swinging on Grandpa's backyard swing

Cousins at the orchard! No one looking at the camera! Oh well!
Three gorgeous in matching pretty dresses on their way to church. Yep, we got a lot of admiring looks that day. :)
My babies (thanks for catching this happy moment, Dawn!)

photo credits to Grandpa here :)