Monday, November 12, 2012

Preschool birthday

 Today was Cassidy's day to celebrate her birthday at preschool and I was invited to sit in on the party. It was so much fun to see her play with her friends and get a glimpse into her day there. 

 The color of the day was pink and the kids were asked to wear that color (not so easy for all the boys!). It wasn't too hard for Cassidy though!

 Here she is playing grocery store with some of the boys.
 Sitting with Maylee, her best friend at preschool.

As the birthday girl, Cassidy got to go in front of the class and tell all about her birthday: party, presents, etc. She put the candles on the felt birthday cake and everyone sang to her.

 The birthday treat bucket, filled with the animal crackers we brought to hand out to all of her classmates...
 ...which she then got to distribute in everyone's backpack to take home. What a fun day at preschool!

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