Friday, September 28, 2012

Center Grove Orchard

We've been looking forward to an orchard trip since the first sign of Fall, and we happened to pick the perfect day for it! It was sunny and beautiful outside and for most of our day there, we practically had the place to ourselves! Cassidy LOVED being there and especially loved having her picutre taken with her "head in the hole"!

She's very proud whenever she gets a sticker.


The Three Little Pigs' houses were another favorite!

 This is a huge bouncing pillow - kind of like a trampoline but much bigger. I think her laughter could be heard a mile away when she was jumping on this thing!

The walk up the hill is hard for little legs, but worth it when you get to ride the Super Slide all the way back down!


And last but not least the Corn Pool. A huge pole barn filled with corn for kids (and adults!) to jump in, bury themselves in, and never want to get out of! We're still finding corn kernels in the car, in our clothes, etc. :)



FaustFavorites said...

Fun place! No Travis?

Jensen family said...

Yeah, I meant to say but forgot, that Travis was with us the whole time but was sleeping in the stroller! So he missed out on the whole thing!