Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy, happy Easter! HE IS RISEN! 
We've had so much fun celebrating with our two wonderful kids. Sunday morning started even earlier than usual. We gave the kids their baskets before the sun was all the way up, before Kurt had to rush off for the early sunrise service at church. Then we joined him for the Easter breakfast and worship service. It was a beautiful day!
 Shopping for their Easter baskets was soooooo much fun for me! Travis is not in the picture below because he could not be torn away from his morning banana, even for gifts and candy!
 Cassidy, in the stroller on the way to Easter morning church.
 Travis, behaving so well in the church pew. At least for the three seconds it took to get this picture. :)
 Saturday morning we went to Story City's indoor egg hunt due to the rain. 

 Waiting outside the gate before the start of the egg hunt is so hard to do when you can see the colorful eggs just inches away!
 Travis with his egg hunt spoils: two plastic eggs filled with candy, which Cassidy promtply ate.
 Cassidy was not interested in getting close to the Easter Bunny at the egg hunt. Smiling and waving from afar was good enough for her! 
Happy Easter! Do you know what Jesus did for you?! 

1 comment:

FaustFavorites said...

Very cute pictures! Happy Easter! Wish we could've celebrated together.