Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Snow Play of the Season!

We FINALLY have snow on the ground here in central Iowa! Woo-hoo! Kurt got home from work and I was busy baking banana bread and fixing dinner so he took the (very excited) kids out to play in the snow. It was the first time this year! And Travis' first time EVER to play in the snow! He did just great; like he's played in the snow a million times. What fun! I sent the camera with Kurt and when they came in he said he didn't think he got any good shots - taking pictures of two kids mostly going in opposite directions doesn't work so well. But I think he did a fantastic job! See for yourself: my babies having fun in the snow...

1 comment:

FaustFavorites said...

I LOVE Travis's expressions in all of these photos! Sheer joy and pure excitement! Priceless.