Sunday, December 25, 2011

Presents, presents, and a few more presents

We are abundantly blessed (overly so!) and our kids have had an enormous outpouring of love and gifts from family and friends this Christmas. Here's Cassidy in her Christmas nightgown, holding one of her most favorite gifts: a Strawberry Shortcake doll from Kayla. Travis loves his little people set from Grandpa and Grandma Faust
Notice Strawberry Shortcake in her grip!

A truck from Dawn, Josh, Jake and Ruby! It matches the car they gave him for his birthday, which he loves.

Travis' gift from daddy and mommy was this wooden car set. Both kids love it!We'll be excited to play with this bubble mower from the Joes next summer!

A John Deere tractor from Uncle Peder, Aunt Lynelle, Owen and Grant! Fun!

And so much more. We'll be having fun for a long time with our new toys!

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