Monday, August 22, 2011

10 months old

10 months sounds like a lot. And there are days when it feels like it's gone by quickly, but mostly it feels like Travis Aaron has always been with us. At 10 months, he is speedcrawling, pulling himself to standing on anything or anyone he can grab onto, and cruising around the furniture with ease. He often stands with just one hand on something for support and occasionally lets go without thinking and stands strong all on his own...until he realizes what he's done and then thump! He's down on his behind. He has yet to take a step but we don't see that being too far off. He is, of course, VERY anxious to catch up with his big sister! He laughs at everything Cassidy does and wants to play with whatever she is into at the moment so he can be part of the action. He eats everything we give him to try but still loves his warm bottles of formula too. (Though daddy and mommy are looking forward excitedly to a couple of months from now when he can drink milk instead of formula. Oh, what will we do with the money we'll save?!) He's already had two haircuts and is probably due for another. This last week, Trav finally got his first tooth. Well, I should say teeth. Four are coming in all at once! The bottom middle two are through and the top left middle tooth is through with the other one about to make its first appearance. Luckily, he hasn't had much trouble with teething. We've been really fortunate in that area with both our kids. Here are some pictures of our smiley guy showing his new pearly whites:

One of Travis' favorite spots to stand is by the low windows in our living room. It's great that he's tall enough to peer outside and watch the world go by.

This Suttons Bay sweatshirt is my favorite hand-me-down. Cassidy wore it too, and now it fits Travis perfectly. But not for long!

1 comment:

FaustFavorites said...

10 months DOES sound so OLD! I can't believe there he is standing at the window looking at everything going by!