Sunday, January 23, 2011


Not quite a complete 180 degree turnaround, but close. Cassidy's gone from ignoring Travis to embracing him. Now when he wakes up from his nap and I tell her he's awake, she goes running down the hall to open his door and say, "Hi, 'Tras'!" When he was crying earlier today, with a little prompting, she said to him, "Okay, 'Tras', okay". When she's playing with her toys and puzzles or looking through her books and talking to herself, we hear "Tras" sprinkled in amongst her other words. And her latest thing is trying to pick him up. A few times a day she decides she's strong enough to try again. (Unfortunately for Cassidy, at the rate Travis is growing, I think it's more likely that he'll be picking her up before she actually is strong enough!) We're just so happy to see her finally falling in love with our lovable little guy. We knew it would happen!

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