Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day at Grandpa Faust's

Christmas Day came and went in a blur, as usual. We travelled to Port Huron that morning and by early afternoon were celebrating the day with the whole Faust clan. Cassidy had fun helping Grandpa unwrap his gifts.Travis always ends up in Uncle Aaron's arms at some point.
Aunt Jo (Great Aunt Jo to Travis, that is) loves her grandnieces and grandnephews!
Trav looks good in plaid. :)
Cassidy was in awe of Grandpa's train, which borders his Christmas tree. It runs the track, whistles, and even blows smoke!
That little pumpkin, what a stinker! She wasn't much into unwrapping her own gifts but loved to help others do so. Here she is with her favorite cousin, Kayla.
Aunt Jo and Uncle Joe got Cassidy a wonderful, soft rocking horse that whinnies and neighs. What two-year old wouldn't LOVE a gift like that? Well...our girl is not so sure about that horsey. We are still working on warming her up to it. We pet him and talk to him and listen to him make his horsey noises but she keeps her distance still. She just can't seem to figure him out! Don't worry, Aunt Jo - she'll soon be loving him and riding him like crazy, I'm sure. (Grandma Faust and Aunt Sheri look on. Aunt Sheri is now, *gorgeously*, six months pregnant with the next baby girl in our family. We can hardly wait to have Khloe Jean with us next Christmas!)And here is our tired, over-Christmased girl. Very unfortunately, Cassidy got sick in the car on the way down to Port Huron and over the next few days had her ups and downs with not feeling much like herself. It was a bummer for her to be so out of it at Christmas but we're glad it never got too bad. Sickness isn't something we can predict or schedule, is it? The good news is, we're all healthy now. We thank God for that, and for sending Jesus into the world on Christmas Day to be the light of the world for us all. A final "Merry Christmas 2010" to you!

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