Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our first week as a family of four

Here we are, already a full week after Travis' birth. We were so happy to be able to come home quickly from the hospital and start our life as a family of four at home. It's been a great week! Cassidy is doing well, though still does not seem to notice Travis much. I guess he's just not that interesting to her yet. Travis is a great eater and sleeper and we're all feeling pretty rested after each night, so we count our blessings on that front. Friday we had our first outing as a family - up to Charlevoix for Travis' weight check (he's already above birth weight!) and to go grocery shopping. We feel so normal, like he's been with us a long time and this is how it was always supposed to be. Overall, the adjustment process is going much better than we could've imagined.
Here are some new pictures of Travis. He sleeps so much still, and loves to be swaddled. I spend hours staring at his face, wondering who this little person will become. We think he's just perfect and as handsome and sweet as can be. Sometimes we think he looks a lot like Cassidy did as a newborn, and other times totally different. Time will tell!
I know it's way too early for him to officially "smile" but I swear he has special smiles just for me. Here he's giving a wink to his fans.
One of the week's biggest events was his first at-home bath. I realized as I was gathering supplies for it that we don't have a towel just for him so he used Cassidy's pink and purple kitty towel. :) We remember that Cassidy loved her first bath, but Travis wasn't so sure it was for him. We'll have to work on that. This picture best captures his emotions while being bathed.

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