Thursday, September 9, 2010

Outdoorsy Girl

We're pretty sure that if we opened the door to her in the morning, Cassidy would be happy to roam outside the livelong day. It's become our routine to get her up from her nap, give her a snack, then get her outside. Mommy is too pregnant and tired to chase her so Daddy is the one to follow her around and play (which gives Mommy some quiet alone time to actually get something done inside!). Here are some more pictures of our pretty Pumpkin enjoying her favorite place to be: outside!

Is this Cassidy or a big, scary lion in my backyard? Many hours have been spent in the driveway, searching for that perfect stone.
Scotty is our next door neighbor, and almost exactly one year older than Cassidy. They adore each other and play together very well!
Cassidy is great about sharing her toys with Scotty, playing with the sand table and even occasionally letting him honk the horn on the trike we're borrowing from Kayla.

Having a friend is a wonderful thing!

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