Monday, September 27, 2010

Kitty love

Cassidy LOVES cats. Her gray stuffed kitty is her constant companion around the house. We hear her meowing in her crib each night. She is kitty obsessed! Lately the neighbor cat has been coming around, which of course she loves. Here are some pictures of today's fun outside:
Kitty, I'd follow you anywhere... It's just her luck that Daddy is allergic to cats and Mommy really doesn't like cats, so we'll never have one as a pet! Good thing we have other kitties in our family and neighborhood for Cassidy to love. Meow!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A fun day away

Last weekend Cassidy spent a whole day with Dawn and Josh, Jake (almost 10) and Ruby (6) while we had a date day in Traverse City. Of course, a lot of their day was spent outside: Cassidy's favorite place to be! What a fun day! Dawn snapped a few pictures for us.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Outdoorsy Girl

We're pretty sure that if we opened the door to her in the morning, Cassidy would be happy to roam outside the livelong day. It's become our routine to get her up from her nap, give her a snack, then get her outside. Mommy is too pregnant and tired to chase her so Daddy is the one to follow her around and play (which gives Mommy some quiet alone time to actually get something done inside!). Here are some more pictures of our pretty Pumpkin enjoying her favorite place to be: outside!

Is this Cassidy or a big, scary lion in my backyard? Many hours have been spent in the driveway, searching for that perfect stone.
Scotty is our next door neighbor, and almost exactly one year older than Cassidy. They adore each other and play together very well!
Cassidy is great about sharing her toys with Scotty, playing with the sand table and even occasionally letting him honk the horn on the trike we're borrowing from Kayla.

Having a friend is a wonderful thing!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fun things we do outside

Cassidy loves to help water the flowers and plants around our house. Today it was lightly drizzling but she still had to get out the watering can! Mostly she just likes to get her hands in the water.
A new favorite "toy" is the hose in the backyard. It's fine until she tries to put it in her mouth...and there happen to be slugs inside so that's a big no-no! Yuck!
Of course, it's hard to say no to this face.
Pumpkin loves to play with balls, beach balls, whatever...but she also thinks everything round is a ball: cherry tomatoes, black olives, etc. Our huge maple tree out back has some barky knobs on it that happen to be sort of round-ish, so they're balls to her!
Eventually today's rain got heavier so Kurt and Cassidy ended up playing for a while in the shelter of the garage....
...but now it's time for supper. Bye!