Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pool girl

It was another hot summer afternoon and time to blow up the new giraffe pool! It was so fun showing Cassidy her new toy for the first time. She LOVES splashing in the water in the bath and the lake so we knew she'd love it. What a fun way to laze away a late summer day!This picture is blurry but we had to include it. We have a picture somewhere of mommy as a little toddler, wearing a bathing suit, hair in pigtails, and sticking her tongue out quite like this! We'll have to find that old picture!The sand bucket came in handy too. Instant waterfall!
It took her a while to actually sit down in the pool. That water from the hose isn't warm like bath water! Brr!
Daddy had fun making waterfalls for the Pumpkin too.
You need good soaker balls to play with in the pool.
I think I know how we're spending every last hot day until the end of summer!

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