Saturday, January 23, 2010

And then one day...

...everything changed. The food set before Cassidy was eaten. It's been a week now, of solid food being consistently eaten at all three meals each day. It started one day with a baked pasta dish. I had given her a few noodles to play with, as usual, while I made her pureed food bottle. And as usual, she broke the food into 8,437 pieces, smeared it around, and tossed it on the floor. But this time, when only one tiny piece of a noodle was left on her thumb, the rest demolished under her highchair, she slowly put it to her lips and moved it around in her mouth. And then she looked at me with big eyes and said "mmmmmmm". Not sparing a moment, I put the bottle down and cut up more and more pasta for her to enjoy. She happily ate. She has successfully eaten chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes, kidney beans, bread, yogurt, bagel, and various noodles. Tonight it was whole wheat elbows with Mommy's quick tomato-herb sauce. Oh, and of course, Cheerios. We're trying to remain calm and not constantly pinch ourselves, but we have to admit it: this is downright exciting. We've been telling ourselves for months and months that one day, everything would change and she would E-A-T. And now we know it really can happen. Thank you, Jesus, for progress! Amen!

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