We made a quick trip to Port Huron this week, specifically to attend my cousin's wedding. Ironically, that was the one thing we didn't get to do. I (Sarah) ended up with an icky, achy flu-like illness that has knocked me out all weekend so we left early and missed the festivities. But before all of that, we enjoyed a day and a half of fun with Aaron, Sheri and Kayla, and Grandpa and Grandma F. Here are some of the highlights:
Kayla loved pushing Cassidy in her doll stroller, and Cassidy squealed in delight the whole way!Next up: beauty parlor play time!
I'd be in love with this yumminess, but my heart just melted and now I just have a love-mess on my hands!
As you can see from the photo, we have clearly taught Kayla how to safely climb the stairs and never to play on them.
Seems Cassidy needs some fun refrigerator magnets of her own!!!
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