Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Big Sleepover

Our day has been planned for weeks and we were all so excited to be reunited. We picked Kayla up in Gaylord late this morning and headed to a nearby pizzeria for lunch. Both girls were great; Kayla ate loads of breadsticks, meat, and broccoli pizza, and Cassidy sat contentedly in her highchair, smiling and laughing at her big cousin. But right near the end, Cassidy started rubbing her left eye. A lot. As we were getting ready to leave for home, it was looking pretty red, but I figured it was just from being rubbed because she was so tired. And then the crying (actually, howling/screaming) started. We got about 5 minutes out of Gaylord and I decided to pull the car over to get a look at my girl. I was shocked to find that her left eye was now VERY swollen, nearly shut, and bright red. The car did an about face and we were headed to Otsego Memorial, a hospital we've never been to, but the closest one. After a long ER wait, during which both girls played and were so well behaved (once Cassidy settled down and her eye sealed shut) we saw a doctor who quickly diagnosed Cassidy's eye with an allergic reaction (to what, we don't know) and prescribed some eye drops for her. We were very, very relieved. We finally made it home mid-afternoon and the girls played and played and played some more. Here they are in their new, matching Halloween shirts from Aunt Jo. The headbands we found at Meijer (Kayla picked them out). You'll probably notice Cassidy's left eye still quite swollen here.Then the girls moved on to playing with more toys.
Next up: bundling up for a walk. Kayla borrowed a hat and some mittens of Cassidy's. She was so excited about her colorful accessories!
My personal favorite picture from today: "I wuh woo, Baby Cassie!" Totally out of the blue from Kayla. Did she know I was standing by with the camera, hoping to catch a great picture?!
It rained all day, but finally stopped around 5:00 so we bundled up both girls and headed out. We got to the top of the hill and it started coming straight down again, so we turned around for home. We walked a total of about a half a block. The girls had fun, as did we, but it was a shoooorrrrt walk!
Here's Cassidy in her new winter coat (which I actually purchased at 85% off last winter!). She is our little eskimo baby with the fur hood.
We got home from our walk and let the girls roam and play again. I turned my back for a second and Kayla was gone. Where did I find her? In my room, in Cassidy's (really Kayla's old-) Tot Rider. She sure loves to be a "baby"!
I had fun cooking dinner for Kayla. I wanted to make her something really nutritious and delicious that she probably hadn't had before. She ate two heaping platefuls of seashell pasta with pumpkin-sage cream sauce and chicken! What a good eater! She wanted to eat in Baby Cassidy's highchair and Cassidy thought that was hilarious and played with Kayla's swinging feet the whole time. (Kayla protested but Cassidy just laughed and laughed.)
Before bed the girls played nicely with a puzzle together. For a few minutes. Then Kayla decided it was hers. That's just fine, Kayla. Cassidy is really good at sharing right now because she can't tell the difference. Another few months and we'll have some fights on our hands, but for today, you decide!

Cassidy was in bed, asleep, at 7:00. Kayla was in jammies soon after, and after a few books, was completely asleep by 7:30. Will Kurt and I make it to 8:00? Taking care of two little kids is FUN, but we're EXHAUSTED! Good night!

1 comment:

kJoy said...

Awe! I wanted to read more and see more pictures!!!!! LOVE this post, Sarah!!!!!!!!