Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pray without ceasing...or until you fall asleep

I always check on Cassidy after she's fallen asleep. I usually find her on her tummy, or sometimes on her side, cuddled up with Ellie, her stuffed elephant. Tonight's position was too good not to catch on camera. You may have to look hard to see it here (silly me, I forgot to make sure the flash was on) but I actually found Cassidy asleep sitting straight up, legs crossed indian-style, almost in the corner facing the rails, with her head resting on her crib bumper. Kurt joked that she fell asleep saying her bedtime prayers! I did help her into a more comfortable position without her waking. Oh, Cassidy -you crack us up even while you're asleep!

1 comment:

FaustFavorites said...

Haha! That is SOOOO funny!!!!!