Sunday, May 10, 2009

6 Months Old

Cassidy is 6 months old! She has changed so much, and is such a happy baby. Her favorite activities include cruising the house in her Tot Rider (walker), playing with her plush aquarium and other small toys, and listening to stories. We sing to her all the time, which usually makes her smile and often squeal in delight. Speaking of squeals, she seems to have realized that she can make herself do that whenever she wants, and often we hear long strings of squeals and other happy baby noises coming from her crib after naptime and other times throughout the day. She has become warmly affectionate with us, laying her head on our shoulder with her arms wide around our necks like a hug and nuzzling her head into our chests while sitting on our laps. She is learning to "play shy", by smiling at daddy and then coyly turning away, nuzzling into mommy, or vice versa. She knows her name and responds to it and hears and sees well, often stopping what she's doing to watch a car go by on the street out front. She loves to gaze out the window and is transfixed by the tree branches and leaves swaying in the wind. She loves her stroller and is a good rider, mostly just looking around contentedly, occasionally squealing, occasionally falling asleep. She reaches for her toys and is learning that it's easier to pick something up and hold it with both hands instead of just one. She gets frustrated when her toy falls out of her hand and onto the floor, and usually lets us know! She can hold herself up quite well on her arms and hands while laying on her tummy, and is sitting better and better each day on her own, still using support from her arms but not leaning forward so dramatically as she was before. Generally, she is stronger and more skilled every day. More beautiful each day, too, much to our dismay. We keep saying she's the prettiest today, but then she does it again, and is more gorgeous the next day. Her eyes are still blue so we're wondering if they're here to stay. When she looks at us, recongnizes us and smiles her big smile, our hearts melt and we feel like the most important people in the world. I suppose to her, we are. We're grateful beyond words to be her parents and look forward to the next six months of blessings...and beyond!Just try to resist me! I dare you!

Playing with her aquarium, a gift at Christmas from Kevin and Erika. Her favorite of the sea friends is the squeaky clam, closely followed by the crinkley crab and rattle-y starfish. Often they end up in her mouth. Maybe she'd eat solids better if we gave her seafood?

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