Saturday, January 10, 2009

How does she do this?

Due to her bad case of reflux, we've been instructed to position Cassidy to sleep at an angle. When we place her in the crib, she is laid on the white wedge with her head at the top and her body between the two side positioners, which are to hold her in place so she is unable to roll over or out of it. Each morning when she wakes, we go in to find her like this:
Can someone please explain to me how she does this? As you can see, her arms are bound inside her swaddler, so she must just scootscootscoot down until she hits the edge of the crib. I've tried putting the positioner lower so her feet hit the end of the crib right off the bat, but she just ends up at the other end. Houdini!


FaustFavorites said...

ha! that is sooo funny! makes you wonder what she's really doing in there all night???

FaustFavorites said...

if she's moving like this now... just wait until she can actually WALK! whoa!