Saturday, September 20, 2014

Squeezing Out The Last Drops of Summer

What do you do with the last few days of true summer? If you get lucky and it's 80 degrees, you blow up the pool and soak it in. We LOVE fall...but we'll take another day of summer.



Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Great Butterfly Hunter

Today was a mommy-daughter afternoon (while Travis napped) but before we set off on our adventures (a trip to Target! haha!) The Great Butterfly Hunter had some business to attend to.

Monday, September 8, 2014

First day of preschool

Travis starts preschool at Mrs. Kalvik's today! Monday mornings he'll play, learn, make new friends. He's moderately excited, but says he won't cry and won't hide under the table.

Mrs. Kalvik's is that way!

All ready with his backpack!

(He had a great first day. When Kurt picked him up he proudly said, "I had fun! I didn't cry! And I didn't hide under the table!" Good job, buddy.)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Rally Day

Rally Day is the first day of Sunday School for the year. Cassidy was so excited, having been in Sunday School the last two years. Travis, however, wasn't so sure. It was his first year and when we walked into his classroom, he met lots of crying, shaking, clinging-to-their-mommies kiddos. So he followed suit, sobbing and wailing for mommy, even hiding under the table. Poor guy! We think of him as so mature but he's still just a three year old little guy. I know next week will be better!

Friday, September 5, 2014

My guy

Travis recently told us his favorite color is orange. Orange lollipops, please! Orange juice for me! We need new shoes - let's get ORANGE!! Hey, why not?!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Garden Surprise

We bought these canna lilies, not quite sure what they would do. And all summer they slowly grew but nothing spectacular happened. AND THEN...

They've been blooming steadily now for two weeks! More and more shoots keep coming up with glorious flowers, and still more coming!