Thursday, February 27, 2014

Just plain cute

I know I'm biased. But I think these are the two cutest kiddos in the whole wide world!

Cassidy loves to have her hair braided - just like Anna from Frozen, she says!

Monday, February 24, 2014

First School Field Trip

Cassidy enjoyed her first-ever school field trip! All of the preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classes went down to Des Moines to watch a play: The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

Kurt went along as a chaperone, and she loved having her daddy along for the morning!

Here's Cassidy's class in their classroom, getting instructions on the day.

Lining up!

On the bus with friends Riley and Maylee:

at the play!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chili Cook-Off

We spent much of last weekend preparing for Immanuel's 2nd Annual Chili Cook-off. This year we were raising money to expand and renovate the children's room at church. Such a fun evening! Cassidy was really into the trophy. :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Daddy-Daughter Dance

Every year, nearby Riverside Bible Camp hosts a Daddy-Daughter Dance. We had heard great things about it and were so excited for Cassidy to go with daddy for the first time. We started talking with her about this date, and one might think she was going to prom! She was beyond excited about her dress, the dancing, having a "date", the whole thing. 


This is a special dress that I bought a couple years ago on a super sale. :) It was too big for Cassidy, so we lent it to Kayla, who wore it last year...which made it all the more special to Cassidy. She LOVES wearing something that Kayla once wore. Her favorite part of this special dress? The TWIRL factor!!

Cassidy looked at herself in the mirror and said,
"Oh, mommy! I've become a REAL ball princess!!"

Daddy was waiting for Cassidy to come down the stairs, all dolled up. It was so precious! She was so, so excited for her special date to see her all ready for the big dance.

This is a "selfie" picture that Kurt took of the two at the dance:

Kurt reports that almost the entire evening, Cassidy was a mad twirler on the dance floor! He said she danced more than any other girl there.

The did take a break for a snack and to color a few pictures. 

She was all smiles when they returned home. It was such a wonderful, special night! We can't wait for her to experience it all again next year.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Doodle Artist

Travis loves drawing!

They love each other

So glad I caught these hugs and kisses on camera. Blurry, yes. But 100% authentic. I hope they always love each other. Praying now for the teenage years....

Valentines Day!!

We just love Valentines Day in this house. The kids start asking weeks in advance, "mommy, will you be my valentine?!" to which I always say YES!! 

These next two pictures are my favorite from our whole day. Forgive me for being a "bad mom" and loving a picture of her sweet baby crying. But I think it's just hilarious! Cassidy leaned in for a kiss on Travis...

...and THIS was his response! He did NOT want his sister to be his valentine! He burst into tears and wailed so loudly! And look at Cassidy. Can you almost hear hear saying, "yessss!" This picture says a thousand words! It was a very funny moment. :)

Our 3rd annual Valentine Day Pizza and Cookie Decorating Party included all the usual players, along with some new friends too! It was so much fun!

Cassidy loved writing valentine cards this year. One for each kid in her class at school, plus some extras for family. They're already asking how many days until the next Valentines Day! :)