Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday School!

Sunday morning is kind of a whirlwind, especially now that the schoolyear has begun and we have early Sunday School again. We all have to be there before 8:30, which is kind of a huge feat. :) Today I got us there on time and even snuck in a few pictures. 
I think Travis has entered the "too cool to smile for pictures" phase. 
Who's #1? Travis!

I believe this is my new favorite picture: my babies, hand in hand on our walk to church. 
A pretty great moment for the mama. :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday Morning Date with Daddy

Cassidy and Daddy had a date on Saturday morning, off to see Stephen Trafton perform. It's the Story Festival this weekend here in Story City - lots of fun to be had!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Orchard

For weeks we've been looking forward to our first outing to Center Grove Orchard for the year. We planned an outing with other young families from church, and Cassidy has talked of nothing else the days leading up to it...the jumping pillow, the super slide, the corn pool...there's so much fun to be excited about there! But Friday night Cassidy came down with a horrible cold and fever and today was not yet well enough to venture out. :( So Daddy and Travis went without us. We were sad, but they had a blast, and we'll all go again soon. 

Travis loved the big "jumping pillow"!

And the corn pool! The best part! 

Every little boy's dream - a place to jump off things (in this case, bales of hay) without your parents yelling at you to stop. When we first moved here I thought this corn pool was the craziest thing I'd ever seen. Now I want one in my backyard. :) The kids love it!

Early Fall Company

Last week we were grateful for a visit from Kurt's folks, FarFar and FarMor to the kiddos. :) They stopped for four days with us, then travelled north to Minnesota to see Nona's parents. It was VERY hot while they were visiting - 100 degrees or so - so we didn't do much outside! But they'll be back this week for two days so hopefully we can enjoy some time outdoors then. Here are a few pics: Cassidy and FarMor outdoors at church (Cassidy has a blue poodle balloon animal!) for Rally Day, the kids with FarFar and FarMor having a picnic in their motorhome, and storytime with FarFar.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

School Picture Day

Today is just the third day of school, and already it's that special day when school pictures are taken for the first time! Cassidy was actually excited about that, which surprised me because she's usually NOT excited about having her picture taken at home! But everything is cooler at school, I suppose. :) She was in such a great mood, she even let me snap a few photos at home before leaving.

 Barbie Mermaid wanted to wear the backpack. 

"Mommy, ENOUGH!" Okay, okay. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just in case you're wondering...

...there was just as much excitement, if not more, for the second day of school. Yesterday went really well until the very end when it was time to come home. Cassidy's teacher Mrs. Arnold walked her out to meet Kurt and Cassidy was crying, looking for mommy. I imagine all of the "newness" of the day was a little overwhelming and when she thought she would see me but didn't...well, sometimes you just need your mommy. But she got home and we cuddled and talked and she said through tears that she loved big kid school and wanted to go back again tomorrow. :) I know today will be great, now that she knows exactly what to expect.

We put a rainbow in her hair, to match her outfit. You have to have a great day with a rainbow in  your hair, right?!

"Jovi, you can't come with me - you have to go to kitty school!"
   Only one picture today with her arms straight out!


She loves that her name is on her backpack!
 Big girl waiting on the porch for the bus.
"Mommy, take some pictures of my sparkly, sparkly shoes. Aren't they sparkly? They're so sparkly! I think they're sparkly. Do they sparkle?" Hahahaha :)

A last-minute thirst quencher, and then...

...the bus is here! Today we talked about, when we see the bus coming, she can walk to the end of the sidewalk and stand there until the bus comes to a full stop and opens the doors. Then she can run to it and climb the steps. She did so well! "Bye, mommy! I'll be back soon!" (And mommy only cried for a brief second today, not too sad, mostly filled with pride and joy for my little girl.)
Thank you, Lord, for all the things you're doing to make this experience a great one for Cassidy. We're so grateful for her confidence, excitement, and even that she missed us a little. It's all quite right, we think. And God, you can expect to hear from me even more often than usual from now on. I think of her every few minutes while she's gone and all I can do is turn to you for peace, knowing you're covering her in your love and protection while she's away from me. Thank you. Amen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Big Day

We've been waiting all summer for today to arrive. It's Cassidy's first day of preschool at the "big kid school"! She'll be there Monday-Thursday in the afternoon. We've talked a lot about what it will be like and she hasn't been the least bit nervous or afraid, just so excited! Her teacher came to our house for a home visit and we also got to visit her classroom last week during an open house, so all that was left was to get ready today and wait for the school bus to arrive! (The school bus is her favorite part. We're letting her ride it to school because it's only 4 year-olds on the way there. There will be bigger kids on the way home, so we'll pick her up instead.) Two of her closest friends, Ruby and Maylee, are in her class, and a few other kids she knows from Mrs. Kalvik's Preschool, but she'll meet lots more new kids. She told me, "If a kid is crying, I will say 'It's okay - I will be your friend'!" Such a sweet heart she has. And she knows what to do when facing a new challenge. Today I said, "Cassidy, come here - I want to pray with you about your first day of school." To which she replied, "Mommy, I already prayed about it 'jesterday'!" I guess she has what she needs to succeed. :)



 Cassidy's new thing is to stick her arms straight out when she's having a picture taken. Don't ask me why!

Waving to all the cars and people that went by, watching for that big yellow bus to arrive.


She gently explained to Barbie Mermaid that she would have to stay home and take a nap while she went to big kid school.

The school bus was late - working out first day kinks in the schedule, I suppose. This little girl could hardly contain her excitement waiting for it to arrive!
  About to step on the school bus for the very first time!
Finding her seat, right next to her friend Ruby. I'm so happy they were a familiar face for each other today! Such a big, new experience!