Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Time to Party!

Monday was the last day of preschool but today was the end of school party! We started out at the lodge, then trekked to the park, over to the carousel, played games in the grass, and finally ended up again at the lodge for a "picnic" lunch. It was a special day for Cassidy and all her preschool friends and I was so happy to be there with her. Here she is with her teachers, Mrs. Kalvik and Mrs. Kirkpatrick. When we left the party, Cassidy waved and yelled, "Goodbye! We'll be back again soon!" I'm still trying to get her to understand that she won't be going back to Mrs. Kalvik's. We will miss her, that's for sure.

Holding hands with Maylee.

 Riding on the carousel right next to Maylee!

Playing games in the grass - this big parachute was a hit! (I remember playing with one of those in elementary school too! Fun!)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

Today is Cassidy's last day of preschool at Mrs. Kalvik's! Next fall she'll be in the public school preschool at Roland-Story. She's already so excited about going to "the big kid school"! We're so thankful for the love and encouragement Mrs. Kalvik gave Cassidy all year. What a blessing it has been to have this experience - for Cassidy and us too! It's been a great year of getting our toes wet with school and we've had nothing but good come out of it. I can hardly believe it's over...that means summer starts NOW!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Yep, I'm one of those moms

The school year is drawing to a close and the festivities are in full swing. Yesterday was Cassidy's preschool program at school and tonight was her concert, which happened to take place at our church. She was so excited about her "performance"! 

So here's the thing: for years I've been hearing about preschool concerts, kindergarten graduations, etc. And when I'd hear moms talking about these occasions with any amount of seriousness, inside I'd kind of snicker. Really? This is a big deal? They're not really graduating from anything here. What's the big whoop? 

Well, I am here to tell you that it IS a big deal. Every single little accomplishment, every public performance, every chance to dress up and take a picture, ALL of it is a big deal. This sweet little girl has worked hard, learned so much, and changed a great deal since last Fall. We're very proud of the little lady she's becoming. And you know what? We get to share in all of it with her, beaming, clapping and yes, even tearing up in the front row. I didn't even care who saw me overreacting with joy. I'm just one of those moms.

A few rain drops started to fall as we were getting ready to leave and Cassidy here is saying, "Why is it raining on my concert?!" Luckily it didn't last long.

 Sitting in the front pew, waiting to perform, full of glee. 

Cassidy and her best pal from preschool, Maylee. They've been good friends all year and they were even selected to be in the same class at Roland-Story next year! So they'll be together again. 


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sweet Guy, Sick Guy

There are lots of hard moments, being a parent. But the worst days are when your sweet baby is sick. We've been passing around sniffles, sneezes and coughs in our family for a good  month now but no one really got taken out by that cold...that is, until Tuesday morning. Right about 5:00, Travis woke up sobbing, drenched in sweat, shaking, even breathing quick. He was undeniably sick. A visit to the doctor later that morning confirmed what I already knew: a bad ear infection. I'm so grateful for the right doctor at the right time prescribing the right antibiotic. Literally within 24 hours we had our boy back, nearly like normal. But the one day of overwhelming sickness reminded me again how much I completely love this little guy. In our sickness, we're so helpless, so needy. I'm honored to be his mommy, the one he calls out for in the night, the one he clings to when he's sick. He took a long nap that day but I checked on him a lot (high fevers worry me). I had to snap a shot of my resting baby. :)