Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter 2011!

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

What a glorious day! Kurt's folks came to celebrate Easter with us this year. We enjoyed a beautiful morning at church and a nice walk in the sunshine in the afternoon. Here are some shots of Cassidy and Travis before church this morning.Travis, all fancied up in his Easter outfit, a gift from Aunt Jo, Uncle Joe and Caitlyn when he was born. We saved it for this day and it fits just perfectly!
Smiley, smiley guy. All Travis wants to do is touch Cassidy.
All Cassidy wants to do is to get away from Travis' tickly little fingers!Waiting for FarFar to come back from Sunday School and pick us up for worship.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcoming cousin Khloe Jean

She's here! She's here! Aaron and Sheri welcomed beautiful Khloe Jean Tuesday, April 19. She is gorgeous and perfect and we love her already. We are thrilled that the timing worked out perfectly for us to fly (drive FAST) down to Port Huron and see her. Here she is!

Proud Uncle Kurt


Kayla and Cassidy were so happy to play together at the hospital while we were waiting to see Khloe. They had a blast bouncing a little ball down the hall and made up games as they went along. Here they are doing...something...not sure, but it looks like fun! And then the hugging started. Cassidy isn't traditionally the huggiest kid, but that all goes out the window when Kayla is around. She happily holds her hand, lets Kayla pick her up (or endlessly try to), and submits to hug after hug after hug, smiling ear to ear all the while. They love each other sooooooooo much!

And when there's this much love, the hugs topple over and end up on the ground, but no one involved cares about a little injury here and there. That's just part of the game!

How to hold a baby that's almost as big as you are

Kayla spent some of the afternoon and evening with us at Grandpa Faust's house the day Khloe was born. We had to get lots of playtime in with Cassidy and Travis in a short amount of time! Of course, Kayla wanted to hold baby Travis. She didn't seem to mind, or think it strange, that he took up ALL of her lap and nearly crushed her. :) She said to Kurt, "He's heavvvvvy!" and was very sweet to him. She loves her baby cousin.

Happy as can be, just to be with him.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I only need a little help

Travis is soooooo close to sitting on his own. He needs just a little support, or more like a reminder that he can't buck backwards! He's discovered this week that he likes to roll over and sleep on his tummy too. He's just becoming more skilled and more aware of what his body can do. What fun to see all of this unfold!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sweet Cassidy

Our precious pumpkin is rapidly turning into a little girl, leaving so much of her toddler-ness behind everyday. Yesterday she finally crawled out of her crib by herself. I've been dreading this event for months. So now we'll see how long we can last before moving her to a big girl bed. Though we're happy when she makes another leap forward, it's hard to say goodbye to some of these phases of her life. The safety of a crib is comforting for both her and us, but soon it will be a distant memory. Some of her favorite things lately are: brushing her teeth ("cheeth"), wearing her rainboots all day long and of course putting them on herself (usually on the wrong feet), playing with her matchbox cars (especially in the open windowsills - instant racetrack!), and coloring at the kitchen table. She asks about every noise outside, especially airplanes, and tells us they're trains going by. When people walk or bike past our house she waves and yells, "Bye! Have fun!" and asks at least 50 times a day, "Outside go?" She still loves to run down the hall to get Travis up from his nap and flings his door open wide saying, "Hi, Tras!". Her stuffed kitty fits just perfectly on his head, which she proves quite a few times a day. She's just a happy girl and we love her to pieces. Here she is this morning, enjoying her breakfast in the sunlight through the front door. Happy Spring! This little bunny is a fun toy that Kevin and Erika, Spencer and Bradyn gave Cassidy for Christmas. She found it yesterday after forgetting about it for a while and it was like a brand new toy to her again. The Cassidy shirt is a gift from a wonderful lady at our church. She loves that it has a butterfly on it! And there's the blue matchbox car. She only has two, and being so little, they can get lost pretty easy throughout the day. We try and find them each night so they're easy for her to find in the morning - they're one of the first things she looks for each day. Unless they're in her crib already, as they often are. She sometimes puts (hides) things in her crib during the day so she'll have them to play with at night. Such a stinker!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Jensen family of four

It's not often that we get a picture of all four of us together, but we definitely should more often! Our friends Scott and Kate were over for dinner so we had them take one of us. It's pretty difficult to get a decent picture with two little kids involved; either one is fussing, or neither is looking at the camera, etc., etc. We did it, though! And here we all are, happy and healthy.

Travis is 5 1/2 months and Cassidy is two years, five months.