Our precious pumpkin is rapidly turning into a little girl, leaving so much of her toddler-ness behind everyday. Yesterday she finally crawled out of her crib by herself. I've been dreading this event for months. So now we'll see how long we can last before moving her to a big girl bed. Though we're happy when she makes another leap forward, it's hard to say goodbye to some of these phases of her life. The safety of a crib is comforting for both her and us, but soon it will be a distant memory. Some of her favorite things lately are: brushing her teeth ("cheeth"), wearing her rainboots all day long and of course putting them on herself (usually on the wrong feet), playing with her matchbox cars (especially in the open windowsills - instant racetrack!), and coloring at the kitchen table. She asks about every noise outside, especially airplanes, and tells us they're trains going by. When people walk or bike past our house she waves and yells, "Bye! Have fun!" and asks at least 50 times a day, "Outside go?" She still loves to run down the hall to get Travis up from his nap and flings his door open wide saying, "Hi, Tras!". Her stuffed kitty fits just perfectly on his head, which she proves quite a few times a day. She's just a happy girl and we love her to pieces. Here she is this morning, enjoying her breakfast in the sunlight through the front door. Happy Spring!

This little bunny is a fun toy that Kevin and Erika, Spencer and Bradyn gave Cassidy for Christmas. She found it yesterday after forgetting about it for a while and it was like a brand new toy to her again.

The Cassidy shirt is a gift from a wonderful lady at our church. She loves that it has a butterfly on it!

And there's the blue matchbox car. She only has two, and being so little, they can get lost pretty easy throughout the day. We try and find them each night so they're easy for her to find in the morning - they're one of the first things she looks for each day. Unless they're in her crib already, as they often are. She sometimes puts (hides) things in her crib during the day so she'll have them to play with at night. Such a stinker!