Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Right before our eyes

Sometimes it feels like Travis really is growing right before our eyes. He can change and seem bigger, different, less baby-like from morning to night. Today was one of those days that made that seem even more so. He had his first haircut! Daddy held him on his lap and Mommy snipped away. His original baby hair (what hadn't fallen out) was long and straggly on the sides of his head. Also, he ate a good amount of rice cereal tonight, much more so and kept more in his mouth than ever before. He even leaned in for spoonfuls of it! It's so much fun to watch these things happen but we can't believe he's already past five months old and soon on his way to the 1/2-year mark of his first year of life. We're grateful to be able to spend so much time with him and be there to experience it all with him. We know these days won't last for long.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Too cute to choose just one

Cassidy decided Travis should try on a pair of her sunglasses today. Turns out they're very becoming on him! She thought it was hilarious, and so do we!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Spring? Winter? We're calling it Sprinter! Spring is here, but Winter ain't lettin' go. Fine with us! It's another day for catching snowflakes on your tongue...
...looking cute in your snowsuit...
...grabbing handfuls of the fluffy white stuff and shoving it into your mouth......and reveling in the glory of winter just one last time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5 months old

Today we celebrate Travis' 5 month birthday! What an awesome boy we have. He is always full of smiles, laughs and various cute noises. He adores his big sister and delights in watching all of her antics from his perch on Mommy's knee. We have so much to look forward to with this little guy! We're thankful everyday that God made him part of our family.
Mommy's boy, "Mr. Cheeks"

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cave Dweller

It's almost officially Spring and nearly all of our snow is gone. All, that is, except for what remains of this year's snow cave. It's still a fun place to play, however. Just ask the native cave dweller. Don't let her big sticks scare you - she's mostly harmless. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Grand Rapids

Kurt was a second-time blood stem cell donor, which took our family to Grand Rapids for two days. We were put up at a great hotel with a huge suite and Grandpa and Grandma Faust came from Port Huron to stay at the hotel and spend time with us too. We had a great time together!Cassidy loved running through the suite and looking out the big windows to the cars below. She saw a number of airplanes in the sky, taking off from the nearby airport and kept exclaiming, "Train now! Train now!" Oh well. Trains, airplanes...they're pretty much the same thing, right? (ha ha ha)


Our hotel had a nice pool room so we took advantage of it and Cassidy had her first swim ever with Grandpa. She LOVES water...in her bath, in the lake, in the sink, wherever...so we knew she'd love the experience of swimming in a pool. We were right! She had a blast floating around with Grandpa (and of course looked adorable!). Grandpa brought Cassidy a new balloon which had to go in the pool with her, naturally. Grandma carefully helped Cassidy down the steps and into the water.Patiently waiting for Grandpa
The balloon got away a few times.


Our hotel was practically next door to Meijer Gardens so we spent the morning there enjoying the tropical butterfly exhibit. It was awesome! We'll be going back for sure.
Cassidy loved seeing all the colorful butterflies.
Travis loved napping amidst them. And after lunch, Cassidy zonked out too, butterfly in hand.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ode to a balloon

Dear sweet balloon,
I've talked about you incessantly for days on end,
I've looked for you in the laundry room over and over again,
I've recalled times we spent together in the past,
wishing with all my might that we could be together once more.
And today, at the grocery store,
Mommy and Daddy found you for me,
So I carried you proudly through the store,
announcing you to every single person who passed my stroller,
excitedly, and with sweet love in my eyes.
When we got home,
I napped with you,
ate dinner with you,
brushed my teeth with you,
and now,
with you,
so peacefully,
I sleep.
I love you, my balloon, and I will not let you go.


Favorite snack for the last year and a half: Goldfish crackers (which always makes us smile and think of Aunt Sheri, because she's the one who gave Cassidy her first fishie). They were buy one, get one free at Meijer today so we stocked up. And when we got home, Cassidy played with those fishie bags for an hour. To her, it probably looks like a lifetime supply of them! It's so funny to watch a 2-year old play. Who would think a bunch of bags would be so much fun?! Is it just me, or does it appear as though my toddler is interested in the nutrition information? Ha! Maybe I'm rubbing off on her...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One of life's important "firsts"

We limit ourselves to just one paczki each Fat Tuesday but boy, are they good! We decided to let the Pumpkin try one too.
What is this thing?
Look, Mommy! I like the raspberry filling part the best.
This is starting to look gruesome.
It's a good thing Paczki Day comes just once per year.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Grandpa and Grandma Faust came to visit us last weekend. Recently we heard about a new place in Gaylord called the Discovery Center, an indoor place for young kids to explore, play, and learn. So Saturday after lunch the six of us went to check it out. Cassidy had a blast! There are so many fun things for a kid her age to do. Travis will have fun there too...in a year or so. He was happy to just be in Daddy's arms. (Thanks for sending us these pictures, Grandpa!)
The first activity we tried when we arrived was the huge blocks. They are fun to stack way up high, and then knock down!
Next was the racecar activity. Cassidy found the track fun to climb. Surprise, surprise!Mommy showed her how to push the button and watch your car race down the track. Zoom!I'm not exactly sure what this tube thing was, but it was long and she loved carrying it around and looping it around herself.Last but not least was the BIG sandbox. I think she would've stayed there all day playing with those sand toys! It was hard to get her to leave, but we'll be back!