Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day party

Grandpa's deck is another fun place to be!

First Boat Ride!

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Port Huron and on Grandpa's boat. What fun! Cassidy had a great time and especially loved going fast and feeling the wind in her face!
All that wind and speed makes a little girl verrrrrrry sleepy!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

18 months

We're already halfway through Cassidy's second year of life. It feels like we were just enjoying her first birthday party. How time flies! In the last 6 months, she's gone from cruising to walking to running to climbing - what's next?! We can't wait to find out!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

For a long time, Mother's Day was a very sad day for me. Everyone around me was so happy, celebrating their special moms, bringing them to church and taking them out for fancy brunches. The day only reminded me that my mom is gone. But now I have my own child and the day has taken on new meaning. Now I am the one who feels special. I thank God that I get to be the mom of this awesome, beautiful, glowing little girl:
I get to enjoy her wonder in every little thing. I get to be with her every single day, watching her grow.
I'm honored to be the one she calls out for when she needs love. And on Mother's Day I get to wake up to this: my wonderful husband, my precious baby girl (and my baby on the way kicking from the inside), fresh lilacs, and lots of love. Happy Mother's Day to all! I know it's a happy day for this mommy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Early Morning Routine

I (Sarah) am happy to be married to an early riser who, since he wants to be up at that time anyway, is usually the one to be up with Cassidy at 6-ish a.m. Often I hear stories of her early morning adventures when I wake up. She's ready to get down and play right when she gets out of her crib and wants some milk ASAP. Daddy attempts to tame her wild bedhead hair, sometimes with multiple barrettes, and the results usually make me smile (see below for an example). Today while waiting for Daddy to brush his teeth, Cassidy grabbed her monkey and climbed into a bin in the bathroom. She still likes to find small spaces just big enough for her to climb into! Now I just need to teach her how to make Mommy breakfast in bed!