Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Is this girl really sick?

Cassidy came down with her first cold this week. Thankfully it never progressed past a very runny nose and congestion (no fever or coughing) but she had a couple of difficult days with eating and sleeping. These pictures were on her hardest day - can't you tell how miserable she is? Ha! I hope she always keeps this sunny disposition when she's not feeling well. (Oh, and it was Daddy's idea to put her bloomers on her head. Not sure what that was all about...*smile*)

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Bathtub Bath

Cassidy is pretty well grown out of the little countertop bathtub we've been using. Well, she still fits into it, but is big and strong enough now that her splashing makes a huge mess in the bathroom! So we decided to break out the bathtub bath seat. She seemed a little confused at first and was really ready to get out as soon as we were done. Hopefully she'll soon learn to love bathtime again!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Ruffle Pants

Aunt Sheri had these pants (and another equally cute pair) made for Cassidy for Christmas. I couldn't wait for her to fit into them. I tried them on her every week but they were always too big. Finally, they fit! And now, after wearing them only a few times, she's grown out of them already. It's a good thing we have pictures to remember them by!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

All Rode Out

Apparently riding around in this super cool ride is exhausting for Cassidy. Sometimes. Unfortunately, what works one day won't necessarily work the next. We were excited when we took Cassidy for a ride at bedtime one evening and she fell right to sleep. Yeah! A great new sleeptime tactic! Let's do this every night! But the next night, after more than a half hour, Cassidy was blowing raspberries and squealing in delight - not sleeping. She likes to keep us guessing, that's for sure!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sitting Practice

It's just amazing to us how much stronger and more stable Cassidy is each day. Her walker is helping her with balance and tummy muscle strength, both helpful skills necessary for sitting up alone. She still uses her arms for support, and probably will for a while yet, but she is sitting up so well on her own, don't you think?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

5 months old

Today our pretty pumpkin is five months old. Kurt and I were just talking about how the first couple of months ticked by, and then boom...five months old. She's changing so much every day. She's getting better all the time with her hands. She now can recognize something she wants, reach for it, pick it up, and of course, put it in her mouth. She especially likes her plastic toy keys. Tonight she picked shiny wrapped chocolate Easter eggs out of my hand. They were a little too heavy to get into her mouth though. And no, I wouldn't have let her anyway. She's way too young and frankly, I don't share chocolate well. :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Trying out the highchair

Today Cassidy sat in her highchair for the first time! Kurt and I were so excited to have her sitting there with us at the dinner table. She sat and played long enough for us to actually eat a full meal together! Granted, we did eat very quickly, but still...we'll take it!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Learning to sit up

The Boppy pillow is helping Cassidy to learn the sensation of sitting up. She loves the view from this new perspective!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Not yet, momma

Our pediatrician told us at Cassidy's 4-month appointment that we had the green light to try solid foods. We've been a little hesitant because she's still having trouble keeping things down, but we decided to give it a shot and see if there's any interest from her yet. There's not. She wouldn't even open her mouth! So we'll try again next week. It's hard to believe she'll ever get the hang of this.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Dilemma

Oh, my! What do we have here? I wonder what that tastes like...One little bite wouldn't hurt, would it?
Oh, what to do! What to do!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Celebrating Ruby

This afternoon we headed over to Lake Leelanau to celebrate Ruby's 5th birthday. It seems like last year she was Cassidy's size! How time flies! Cassidy loved being held by Jake (one of her most favorite people). Happy birthday, Ruby!

Portrait of a Pumpkin

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Day of Firsts

What a day it has been! It's April 1st and a day of many firsts for Cassidy. Today she finally found her toes. She's been reaching for them but never got hold until today. Soon they'll be in her mouth, I'm sure. Next, she sat in a "tripod" position for the first time (see video). Then, to our amazement, she began to "walk" in her wheeled walker! It was so fun to see her become mobile for the first time. We're sure blessed to be able to share all these fun things with her and watch her learn right before our eyes.