Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hair Metamorphosis

Something is happening. Or starting to happen anyway. I think Cassidy's hair is beginning to lay down. Goodbye, Don King? Maybe so! We love our girl's crazy hair, don't get us wrong. But it had to happen at some point. Hair simply can not grow up and out forever. The sheer weight of it should pull it over, right?
Let's compare. The top picture was taken on Monday. Notice the upright position of each and every hair on her head. Now see the other two pictures, both taken on Wednesday. We've done nothing different, but some of that stubborn hair has calmed itself. We'll keep you posted as the change unfolds. :)


When Cassidy was born she had these faint, wispy little eyelashes. I remember Sheri exclaiming about how delicate they were. I think I could almost count them individually. The other day I was watching her sleep and noticed - wow! - they have really grown. They are now thick and lush and long. As though she needed another thing to make her more beautiful.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Granny Kay's Christmas Tree

So yes, it's the end of January and yes, we still have a Christmas tree up. But who can bear to pack it away when Cassidy loves it so? This is Granny Kay's special ceramic Christmas tree. When Cassidy sees the tree all lit up she calms right down and just stares at those brightly colored lights. I tell her each time we see it just how much Granny Kay loves her! Who knows - we may just leave it up all year 'round.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The princess on her throne

Our pretty, pretty princess pumpkin!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The bathing routine

Cassidy loves her bathtime. She calms right down and really enjoys the warm water. Kurt thinks her hair is going to be curly - you can see some curls in the top picture where her hair is wet. I was having a hard time getting her hair completely dry just with a towel so we have been using a low heat setting on the hair dryer to get it all the way dry. It's pretty funny, blowdrying our two month old baby's hair! Of course, that makes it straight and fluffy. Maybe we need to buy some baby hair gel! After her bath she is always hungry and settles right in for a good meal.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Finally Smiley

Our gorgeous girl has been smiling for a couple of weeks now but just in the last day or so have we been able to catch them on camera. These pictures don't do justice to the light in her eyes or the depth of her sweet smile, fleeting as it is, but as they last longer we'll get better and more pictures to share. Isn't she just the best?!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How does she do this?

Due to her bad case of reflux, we've been instructed to position Cassidy to sleep at an angle. When we place her in the crib, she is laid on the white wedge with her head at the top and her body between the two side positioners, which are to hold her in place so she is unable to roll over or out of it. Each morning when she wakes, we go in to find her like this:
Can someone please explain to me how she does this? As you can see, her arms are bound inside her swaddler, so she must just scootscootscoot down until she hits the edge of the crib. I've tried putting the positioner lower so her feet hit the end of the crib right off the bat, but she just ends up at the other end. Houdini!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just plain cute

Mommy just really likes these pictures. The top one highlights her cute hair and ducky sleeper that Grandpa and Grandma Jensen got her for Christmas. The bottom picture also shows off her crazy hair and a new striped velvet sleeper that we love to snuggle her in.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Elf Booties

Cassidy is finally out of newborn-size clothes and we're having fun putting her in some cute outfits. These overalls are a favorite, especially when paired with these awesome hand-knitted booties.