Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Family Photos

Cassidy is eight days old today. I realized that I wasn't getting many pictures of her with me in them. (My top half is so often uncovered at this point, so getting a decent picture is nearly impossible! She eats a lot and often!) So we made sure to get a few pictures before too much time passed.

First At-Home Bath

I was pretty nervous about giving Cassidy her first bath at home. We watched the nurses do it at the hospital with such ease and I wasn't sure we would do so well on our own! It ended up being a wonderful experience. She enjoyed the water and did very well, only fussing just a little.

Meeting Jake and Ruby

Dawn brought Jake and Ruby over to meet Cassidy for the first time this week. We were so excited for them to get here. Both kids were sweet and gentle with her. Ruby brought her stuffed tiger along and wanted to "make a puppet show to make Cassidy smile!" She also helped during bath time, trying to distract Cassidy with silly antics. Jake and Kurt enjoyed a snowball battle outside for part of the day too.

Monday, November 17, 2008

First Family Outing

On Cassidy's one week birthday, we had to go back to the hospital for her weight check.

At birth, she weighed 6 lb., 12 oz. Her weight dropped to 6 lb., 5 oz. before we came home from the hospital (which is normal and expected for a newborn). The goal is for the baby to be back up to birth weight by 2 weeks old. On the way to the appointment, Kurt and I tried to guess what her weight would be. My guess was 6 lb., 11 1/2 oz. Imagine our surprise when she was weighed and 6 lb., 11 1/2 oz. exactly came up on the screen! Mommy had guessed correctly, right down to the half ounce! Now that's a woman that knows her child! Being almost back to birth weight already shows us that she's getting enough to eat and is doing so well. We were relieved and excited to see that. These pictures are of her all snuggled up in her car seat for her first family outing.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rare Moments Awake

Cassidy is our beautiful bright-eyed girl. Her eyes are so clear and pretty and when they're (rarely) open, we are mesmerized by them! It's hard not to take pictures of her when she's awake, but she doesn't care much for the flash on the camera so we don't very much. My favorite time to see her eyes is when we're rocking in her room, me singing songs to her, with her looking up at me intently. I think she remembers the songs that I sang to her when she was still inside.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Day Home

On Thursday afternoon we were allowed to finally come home. We had been at the hospital since the previous Sunday night and were anxious to get our baby girl safely to our house and begin our life together. The car ride home was pretty unnerving, but once we were home, Cassidy was comfortable and relaxed. She spent some time that afternoon snuggling with Daddy, and also took her first nap in her own bedroom.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day Two

Cassidy's second day of life was spent sleeping, sleeping, and sleeping. Oh, and eating. Then more sleeping.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Meeting Mommy's Family

Grandpa and Grandma F. drove up to Charlevoix the morning Cassidy was born. We didn't know for sure until that day that she would be born via caesarean section. They arrived late morning and were able to visit with us before the surgery, and came in to meet Cassidy shortly after she was born.
Uncle Aaron, Aunt Sheri and Kayla were able to be there too! Kayla loved meeting the new baby, and was so gentle and loving, touching Cassidy and smiling at her new baby cousin. What a joy it will be to watch these little girls grow up together!

Birth Day

Welcome, baby girl!
Cassidy Dawn
November 10, 2008
12:43 p.m.
6 pounds, 12 ounces
19 1/2 inches

Cassidy is a strong, healthy baby. When placed on the scale right after birth, Daddy and the nurses were shocked to see her flip completely over! Mommy wasn't surprised, though. Her strength explains all the crazy kicks and body maneuvers felt in the womb.